Monday, August 15, 2011

The People of the UAE

Here in Abu Dhabi the people have proven to be friendly and helpful.  It is considered rude to ask someone to take their picture, and if you do ask they are supposed to politely refuse as that is their custom.  They feel they are to keep hidden, thus the native costume, the Abaya ( or in more traditional families, the bur qua.)  So, in my blog you will not see many pictures of adults in native garb.  But, as I was sitting in a cafe eating with some friends, two very lovely ladies caught my eye.  They came to our table as one of them thought I had been her teacher.  We chatted for a moment and I asked them if I could take a photo to share with my American friends.  They replied, "show only to friends, not on Facebook".  So, true to my word I am sharing this with you, my friends.  I also met a famous male talk show host (like Oprah)  in the mall.  He was interviewing for his show.  He, also let me take his picture because he is a TV star here in the UAE.  So, here he is in a Kandu with me!  Notice his head dress.  Some men here wear red ones, and some white.  I asked if there was a difference, and was told it is just a matter of taste and has no meaning.

I understand that it will not be likely to become friends with the native people (except, of course, the kids I teach).  They are a very closed society with very strict rules.  Men and women, even those in a family, usually live in separate areas of their homes.   I only hope to represent Americans as people who are kind, patient and helpful.