Friday, September 9, 2011

Can things get worse? Yes they can!

  O.K, so we all knew that going into this adventure that things would be a little tough.  I guess the 3 weeks in a 5 star hotel really turned me into a princess, but so far this week has brought me crashing back down to reality and then lower (if that is possible).  I moved out here on my own, got my furniture and so far the beds (one for Pat and I, one for Jacob and one for PJ/Shannon), fridge and stove have arrived.  My cell phone works poorly in my apartment, but out front it works fine.  I paid almost $500 to get my apartment professionally cleaned after 5 hours of cleaning myself with no results.  I also had my first bout with the flu or food poisoning.  Are you  feeling sorry for me yet?  Keep reading. . .
   Sunday was supposed to be my first day of school.   I went to the office to pick up my letter and it said cycle 3 girls which is what I “expected” as of last week.  The lady looked at me and said, “Oh, Mary, you are the one who is not licensed to teach high school.  We need to change your placement.  Come back tomorrow at 8 and we will give you a new placement in cycle 1 (grades 1-4). 
  Monday I went back at 8 am and sat for 1 ½ hours to get my new placement.  They sent me to Al Ezra School.    They gave me a phone number and told me to find my way to that school.  I called the number and the secretary who spoke very little English told me the principal’s aunt died.  She handed the phone to someone who spoke English and they offered to come pick me up which I truly appreciated.  Arab hospitality is great when it is offered.
  When I got to school I was given the grand tour and told to spend my work day in a small office with the other English speaking teachers.  We did nothing but chat and go out for Arab Pizza (dough spread with Lebnuch (like cream cheese) and olives and then roasted over an open fire in a brick oven).  I was then told I would teach 1st grade.  Now, when you stop laughing, I want you to say a quick prayer, not for me, but for my students.  I will have 2 groups of 27 girls.  They may range in ages from 4 to 8, and they may or may not know the alphabet and numbers.  Luckily the standards are VERY basic for English and Math.  Really it will be like a Pre-K class with bigger kids. 
  When we arrived in Abu Dhabi we were told we might have a school with computers and Smartboards in every room.  Then we were told there were schools where we’d teach “with a rock and a stick”.  Guess what I got?  Yup – I got the stick, but I’m still looking for the rock!   I then found out that we have NO books, no school supplies, and very few learning materials.  Everything I brought with me is out the door, except the packs of sentence strips, the sharpies, the expo markers, the Mister Sketch markers, and the book on Literacy Learning Centers.  Oh, and the post-it notes will be quite useful.  I may even need to use them for paper.  We literally get one pencil per student and there were about 12 boxes of colored pencils in the cabinet for all 16 classes to share. 
   I got home at 1 and spent about 30 minutes crying my eyes out.  I want to go home!   I miss my family, I’m lonely, I don’t have furniture . . .  and really?  1st grade and no internet???  No computers even for the teachers.   Then I decided to dry up and get control of the situation.  I know it sounds funny (or not) but I kept “hearing” “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  I did not sleep very well.
   Today, Tuesday,  I went to school with a new attitude.  I can do all things . . .   As I walked in the door Kelly, another teacher, told me I should come to church with her Friday.  Then an new teacher walked in and she was assigned to Grade 1 with me.  We will not teach together, but we can plan together.  Dionne is from Atlanta and has 9 years experience in . . . you guessed it . . . 1st grade.  We sat together in my room and bounced ideas off each other.  We came up with a day 1 plan and I felt so much better!  Then we went to the bookstore and found the number line, the ABCs and a bunch of other school stuff we needed to decorate and stock our rooms.  I bought pencils and stuff to make a calendar.  I found a CD with great songs like the Farmer In the Dell, If you’re Happy and You Know It . . . and more.  I get to sing, dance, play puppets and have fun all day long!  Look here for pictures of my classroom before I decorate.  I’ll show you after when I get there.  So, don’t worry about me, but please pray!  i have pictures of my classroom, but can't post them - left my camera in the apartment and don't want to hike back to get it.  I'm posting from an internet cafe, but hope to have internet soon!  Post again soon!  ME

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